Shaping Our Future: Bellevue’s Comprehensive Plan

Weigh in on long-range planning at Neighborhood Leadership Gathering Feb. 17

Bellevue’s Comprehensive Plan is the city’s primary tool for addressing growth. It outlines a vision for the future and provides policy direction for how to get there. Through the planning process the community works with city staff to explore who are we today, where we want to be in the future, and how we will get there.    

The vision and policies shaping the next 20 years are best realized when the entire community contributes their voice. We want to hear from you – how would you describe the key characteristics of Bellevue twenty years from now? The Neighborhood Leadership Gathering will be the first of many opportunities to participate in this process. 

The Neighborhood Leadership Gathering takes place virtually on Feb. 17, 6:30-8 p.m. Please RSVP to receive the ZOOM link. 

Join Emil King, Community Development Planning Director, Thara Johnson, Comprehensive Planning Manager and key city staff for a presentation and question and answer session. Participants will be invited to sign up as Neighborhood Ambassadors and can assist in broadening community participation in the upcoming Major Comprehensive Plan update. 

At the Neighborhood Leadership Gathering, you can join in the conversation about how Bellevue is living into its vision. Where are we thriving and having success? Where are the opportunities for greater growth and focus? What is needed to help to make Bellevue the City Where You Want to Be for future generations?   

Neighborhood Leadership Gatherings are open to anyone invested in the quality of life in Bellevue’s neighborhoods and all are invited to attend.

Source: City News